Man sleeping in bed with an airsoft gun

Many consider airsoft a childish whim, therefore they don't give it a chance to discover it.

Girlfriends think of airsoft as an excuse not to be the center of attention.

Parents believe it's a waste of time and money.

Friends advise you to play computer games because they don't require pellets and gas.

In everyone's view, airsoft is an excuse to meet with other players in forgotten places, dress strangely, and shoot each other.


The truth about airsoft lies somewhere in the middle. We play airsoft because we enjoy it, for those military scenarios, for the adrenaline.

Over time, a series of frightening myths about airsoft players have developed that we want to dispel.

  1. Electric airsoft guns (AEG) can be modified to fire real bullets.
  2. Airsoft guns can cause serious injuries.
  3. Airsoft players have criminal instincts; through the game, they express their violence by shooting opponents, taking pleasure in causing pain.
  4. Airsoft players have no other topics of discussion than guns and games, take tons of pictures, replace their real girlfriends with their beloved gun.
  5. Airsoft guns are powerful, pellets are propelled at high speed, and "victims always suffer!"



Let's discuss each one separately, are they true or not?

  1. Any type of airsoft gun, whether electric, spring, or gas-powered, cannot be modified to fire real bullets because the material from which airsoft guns are made is too weak to withstand the explosion of a real bullet.
  2. Any type of airsoft gun can cause bruises and injuries, but this happens due to the close distance between the "target" and the shooter. They become dangerous if shot in the face or eyes. Such minor accidents never happen on the playing field, where all players wear proper protective gear and respect shooting distances.
  3. The pleasure of airsoft players in this game stems from the desire for competition. Every player wants to demonstrate that they are a good strategist, that they have the skills of a real "soldier," which is why they are always in competition. Moreover, you meet new people, make new friends, share ideas, socialize. No one wants to inflict pain on their opponent, they just want to hit them.
  4. In a group of friends who play airsoft, this game is a topic of lengthy discussion, but with people outside the field, you cannot discuss passions they do not understand. You can demonstrate to others that it's not just a game but a serious, strategic, and fun hobby. As for girlfriends... I haven't heard of such cases yet, or no one survived to tell us :))
  5. In any airsoft game, there are rules that nobody breaks. Nobody is allowed to play without the minimum protection, first and foremost goggles and a mask. With protection, nobody suffers in the game, you only end up with vivid memories.


After all, airsoft is a hobby like any other. In any sport, there are small risks, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't play, right?

If you have other opinions, please share them with us.


Until next time, the Oqtagon Airsoft team wishes you good luck with airsoft!


Translation is automatic and might contain errors.